Today we describe Varna. Varna means color or caste. As with the caste system in india, Varna is divided up into four categories, these are:
1) Brahmin
2) Kshatryia
3) Vaishya
4) Shudra
The varnas indicate the natural indication of the person towards various forms of work. A person of Brahmin varna enjoys thinking the most. They do not prefer physical work, but would rather be happy to work in a field wherein mental faculties are most used and physical work is minimized.
The Kshatriya is a person who enjoys fighting. In today's world this would mean that they will be best suited for work such as competitive sports, law enforcement and even being a coporate strategist or (master criminal !). To them the element of competition brings out the best in them.
The Vaishya is money and business oriented, to them the most pleasure is gained out of earning the most money. Their best comes out in pursuing business or finance.
The Shudra is a person who likes to work with the body and is skilled in using the body. Thus they could be great craftsmen sculptors etc. Even they could be great surgeons, since they are skilled with their hands.
If you are a Shudra, you like the outdoors and hard work. You will feel miserable if your body is not used. The opposite is true for a Brahmin, who would rather avoid the outdoors and would not mind being in a room with his lofty thoughts.
The presence of these characteristics in a birth chart gives an idea of which field a person may be suited for later in their career. It could be that due to environment a Shudra may end up doing the work more suited for a Brahmin.
However, if a person's natural inclination and their profession match, they are likelier to scale unprecedented heights. Thus for a child the parents may look at the varna to decide upon a good field to give them a headstart in. Even a later stage by looking at ones horoscope we can discover what is their natural inclinations and at least pursue it as a hobby for a more harmonious life.
Good elaboration Ankit.